Category: Linux

Technical Information Pertaining to Linux

Semget: No space left on device here.

If you get the error “Semget: No space left on device here” in apache error log. Make sure that you are replacing nobody with corresponding apache user.

 # ipcrm sem `ipcs|grep nobody|awk ‘{print $2}’`


# ipcrm sem `ipcs|grep apache|awk ‘{print $2}’`


View the sem value using the below command

# ipcs -ls


 # cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

and increase the value

 # echo “32000 32000 512 512″ > /proc/sys/kernel/sem

This happens on most of the server which has high apache actvity.

Configuring X in FreeBSD.

With normal configuratiom it will not work mostly. Below are the steps for configuring X in Freebsd

1 ) Become root and execute the below commands according to the presence of Xorg or XFree86 both are present. Xorg is the default one I suppose. First of all I giving the correct things or commands which are to be executed normally. And towards the end of the mail I will be giving you a recommended method for successfully doing the X configuration with 100 % sucess result.

For Xorg



# Xorg -configure 

# Xorg -config

Testing the configuration ( If a black and grey grid and an X mouse cursor appear, the configuration was successful. To exit the test, just press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace simultaneously. )

# cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf

# startx & or xdm &

For XFree86


# XFree86 -configure

# XFree86 -xf86config

Testing the configuration ( If a black and grey grid and an X mouse cursor appear, the configuration was successful. To exit the test, just press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace simultaneously. )

# cp /etc/X11/XF86Config

# startx & or xdm &

These are the basic configurations. In both case you may have to update the setting of the particular configuration file. Most of the details which you need to update would be related to the horizontal and vertical sync of the monitor.

Hope this helps in successfully configuring X on your freebsd machine.